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= Default settings for network installation =
There are two options:
* When network-activated and when using a classic (non-block) theme, this plugin will set the classic editor as default and prevent site administrators and users from changing editors.
The settings can be changed and default network-wide editor can be selected on the Network Settings screen.
* When not network-activated each site administrator will be able to activate the plugin and choose options for their users.
= Cannot find the "Switch to classic editor" link =
It is in the main block editor menu, see this [screenshot](https://ps.w.org/classic-editor/assets/screenshot-7.png?rev=2023480).
= Does this work with full site editing and block themes? =
No, as block themes rely on blocks. [See Block themes article](https://wordpress.org/support/article/block-themes/) for more information.
== Screenshots ==
1. Admin settings on the Settings -> Writing screen.
2. User settings on the Profile screen. Visible when the users are allowed to switch editors.
3. "Action links" to choose alternative editor. Visible when the users are allowed to switch editors.
4. Link to switch to the block editor while editing a post in the classic editor. Visible when the users are allowed to switch editors.
5. Link to switch to the classic editor while editing a post in the block editor. Visible when the users are allowed to switch editors.
6. Network settings to select the default editor for the network and allow site admins to change it.
7. The "Switch to classic editor" link.
Web Accessibility – ADA & WCAG - History Makers Digital
Is Your Website ADA Compliant?
. . . AND Why It Is Important!
Something is currently going on and it’ll only be a matter of time before it gets to you or your company!
Website owners are being targeted and sued for a law they are ignorant of . . .
It’s the ‘ADA’ act which requires businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities in ALL their web content.
No One Is Safe. Doesn’t Matter If You’re A:
Local Biz Owner
Online Marketer
Doctor, Dentist Or Specialist
Ecom Store Owner
Or Own A Website
ADA provides that web content should be accessible to the blind, deaf, and those who must navigate by voice, screen readers or other assistive technologies . . .
Get A FREE Review Of Your Website And Web Contents For ADA Compliance Today . . .
American’s with Disability Act [ADA] . . . Many Have Fallen Victim, You May Just Be Next!
An historic supreme court judgment last year caused a surge in website owners being sued for non-compliance with ADA
1,700+ legal cases related to non-accessibility compliance in new york alone in 2021 . . .
More than 10,000 websites sued in 2021 for their website not being ADA compliant. This number is expected to hit 100k in no time
Unlike GDPR, The ADA law requires no notice before a lawsuit is filed against a company for non-compliance.
Note: The law provides no time for a company to take action before a lawsuit is filed, and it offers no real defense to a company after a lawsuit has been filed!
Get A FREE Review Of Your Website And Web Contents For ADA Compliance Today . . .
There are so many benefits to having your website/web content ADA Compliant . . .
Avoid Nasty and Costly Lawsuits That Suck Your Bank Accounts Dry . . .
Rank Higher In The Search Engines With Less Effort . . .
Profit From the $650 Billion Disabled Market With A Capital ‘B’
... Plus Tap Into The $650Billion/Year Disability Market
If you ever thought that the blind, deaf, and physically challenged don’t use the internet or shop online just like you do then you need to have a RE-THINK! Just as a ghostwriter agentur transforms ideas into impactful texts, it’s crucial to rethink our assumptions and ensure accessibility for everyone in the digital world.
Having your website/web contents ADA compliant gives you an easy ‘Foot In The Door’ into this multi-billion dollar disability market!
But How Do You Get Your Website To Be ADA Compliant
Truth is, it’s not close to being easy . . .
You’ll have to go through TONS AND TONS of assets HOPING that you’ll get everything compliant on your site.
And even if you take care of current items on your site, what about all the other pages, files, videos, audio files, and more that are lurking in the dark recesses of your server that you’ve forgotten about?
"To try and sort through each and every one of these items, making sure they are ADA compliant could take you weeks or even months!"
Not to mention that you need to make sure that you:
Have training
Have a web accessibility policy page
Make a web accessibility statement
Appoint an accessibility coordinator
Hiring an independent consultant, (depending on how large your business is)
Invite feedback
But We’ve Got You A Better Way . . .
Why not seatback, while we help you get your websites and ALL your web contents ADA compliant in a flash . . .
We’ve helped businesses and site owners like you for years and saved so many others from imminent lawsuits!
We have the requisite skills and team players to get the job done.
We have the experience too!
Let Us Bring Our Experience Into Play And Help You Get Your Website & Web Content ADA Compliant In A Flash
Guess What . . . ADA is Great For SEO Too!
Becoming ADA compliant simply means making your site more accessible . .
Did you know that having an accessible website is so important that Google gives it more relevance than one that isn’t accessible?
So by not having an accessible website for disabled people, you could be losing out on a ton of potential customers which means losing out on more potential revenue.
Just another reason to get your web content to be ADA Compliant now!
Our Customer's reviews
The support was great and the team was always there when we needed them. We’ll definitely be back for future projects as we continue to expand. Sincerely, from the heart, thank you for putting yourself in the work. We are so pleased with the results and we really appreciate the love you put in. I highly recommend you to anyone.
Bryce Justine
We just wanted to say a hearty thank you for all the amazing work on our digital marketing campaign. I have never had to ask twice for answers and when delivered, they always made sense! Specifically, I wanted to acknowledge our project manager for all his hard work supporting us. He is always reachable and able to assist, or answer any questions we have (no matter how simple). He has helped improve our visibility on the web. We really appreciate all his support and hard work and look forward to continuing to work with him (and your team) in the future.
Jame Hart
Just a short note to express how satisfied I am with my digital marketing campaign. I am extremely pleased with it. You’ve all exceeded my expectations and I’m excited to proceed to start running google ads now. We appreciate our partnership and have been really satisied with the results of the work your team did. What a night and day difference from our last web agency. I'll be using you on all of my future projects.
Roy Scott
Today is your good day, Don’t procrastinate
Or risk going to court soon!
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